
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 8 7 2 FROM THE FOUNDATION Creating a Legacy Do you want to leave a legacy for tomorrow’s young people and your own field? Are you aware that you can make your own mark through a char- itable bequest to the ASM Materials Education Foundation? Charitable bequests are gifts made through your will or trust. Be- quests provide the opportunity to make a lasting statement about what matters most to you. Gifts come in all shapes and sizes, but more importantly demonstrate that the most meaningful gifts come frompeople like you—people who care about the Foundation’s work and want to ensure that it continues well into the future. The Pillars Society recognizes and appreciates, during their lifetime, donors who have made end-of-life commit- ments to the Foundation. These gifts are greatly appreci- ated as they express the donor’s strong commitment to excite young people in materials, science, and engineering careers. The Pillars Society is so named because it represents the four pillars of the Foundation’s purpose: education, knowledge, leadership, and service. To become a member of this elite Society, simply provide a declaration of your intentions to remember the Foundation in your will or trust. If you would like more information on this topic, please email us at foundation@ asminternational.org. Creating a legacy is within reach for all of us! Nichol Campana Director of Development and Operations ASM Materials Education Foundation OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS Undergraduate Scholarships Scholarships from $1500 to $10,000 available to Mate- rial Advantage students. Deadline May 1. Undergraduate Design Competition This competition encourages the strengthening of design curricula in materials science and engineering de- partments. The awards include: First Prize: $2000 + $500 travel assistance + $ 500 to the department for support of future design teams; Second Prize: $1500 + $ 500 travel assistance; Third Prize: $1000 + $500 travel assistance. Deadline July 31. Student Materials Camp This popular program utilizes hands-on learning principles of applied math, physics and chemistry led by a distinguished world-class faculty. The program is aimed at stirring students’ interest in science and getting them excited about materials engineering careers, as they learn to be team players and become “science detectives” at the camp. Application deadline varies by location. Teacher Materials Camp This weeklong program for middle school and high school teachers demonstrates how to use low/no cost sim- ple labs and experiments using everyday materials that can be integrated into existing math/science lesson plans. These simple activities and experiments are proven to actively engage students in learning more about applied science. Applications are accepted on a first-come-first- serve basis. Kishor M. Kulkarni Distinguished High School Teacher Award This award honors the accomplishments of one high school science teacher who has demonstrated a significant and sustained impact on pre-college age students. Award: $2000 cash grant plus the recipient’s travel cost of up to $500 to receive the award at the ASM Awards Lun- cheon. Application deadline June 30. To learn more about any of these programs, visit asmfoundation.org . WOMEN IN ENGINEERING This profile series introduces lead- ing materials scientists from around the world who happen to be females. Here we speak with Virginia M. Osterman, senior scientist at Solar Atmospheres Inc. in Souderton, Pa. What does your typical workday look like? My role at Solar Atmospheres is to understand the chemistry underpinning the processes we run. I work closely with metallurgists, process engineers, and our furnace operators to progress projects from the idea stage to fully developed procedures suitable for large-scale production. This requires a thorough understanding of the physical and chemical properties of the materials involved. In addition to my role at Solar, I teach a course in vacuum heat treating for ASM International.  WOMEN IN ENGINEERING Campana Osterman